Lutheriden-Association e.V.

The Lutheriden Association


The crest of the Lutheriden 'Association is the Luther Rose. Here you will find more information!  

In 1925 at a meeting of 80 direct descendants of the reformer D. Martin Luther the idea was born to found a family reunion. Pastor Otto Sartorius, a direct descendant, had not only invited to this meeting, but also paved the foundation. At the same time he published his first book of Luther - Descendants.


A renewed meeting was held on June 12th and 13th in Eisenach in 1926. The participants adopted a constitution, elected a Board of Directors and founded the Lutheriden Association, which was finally registered on July 15th 1926 in the register of the Local Court of Eisenach.


The membership grew rapidly to over 100 and developed steadily. A regular family paper was introduced (4 times per year / nowadays 2 times per year)  to particular promote the genealogy research.


Although the development often depicted as very difficult by the war and the subsequent division of our country , the continued existence of the association could be secured again and again. The solidarity of the family and care of the tradition, in keeping with the spirit of Luther had supported the cohesion.


With the German reunification in 1990, a new era was ushered for the Lutheriden. Not only that all Lutheriden from all over Germany being part of a great family as well the descendants of  D. Martin Luthers siblings were included, now.  This strengthened the Lutheriden Association e.V. up to today!


More than 120 members and guests welcomed at the 75th anniversary besides a family gathering in 2001. The meeting was held in the newly renovated Augustinian monastery in Erfurt. The place where the Pope Benedict XVI welcomed members of the EKD in 2011 as well the environment where D. Martin Luther (1505 - 1511) completed his priestly formation.


Since several years, the Lutheriden Association is always trying to be come involved in worship at the sites of family gatherings. This was done in Eisenach in 2011 as well as in Augsburg in 2013 - where both times nearly 60 family members met.


It was perceived for a long time by Pastor Burkhard Clasen, until his death a few years ago. Currently this task is done by Christian Priesmeier who also usually keeps the devotion before the board meeting. This is part of our Luther family understanding and is, among other things, the result that descendants who wants to become members of the Association necessarily be members of a Christian church first. (§ 3 of the Statute)